Dual-Plane Fluoroscope

The Dual-plane tracking Fluoroscope (Download DuoFluo (PDF, 524 KB)) project is a flagship project for the Interdisciplinary Master Project Platform (Download IMPP (PDF, 461 KB)), that will employ the interdisciplinary expertise of Master students from HEST, MAVT, ITET and INFK.

The idea is to create a tracking dual-plane video-fluoroscope for the accurate real-time assessment of 3D kinematics of natural, pathological or implanted joints in vivo and during complete cycles of a wide range of functional activities, including low- and high-speed motion, all while the subject is moving freely.

Utilising considerable sponsorship and funding, the aim is to design and eventually build the large, high-speed tracking device in a collaborative effort across departments in a project that allows combined supervision and grading of Master theses working together to achieve a unique and clinically relevant measurement technology.

Estimated project schedule: Download timetable.pdf (PDF, 189 KB)

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