Spine Dynamics

The Measurement of Spine Dynamics during Gait for the Quantification of Intervention Outcomes in Patients with different Pathologies

Enlarged view: Validation AIS
Validation AIS


This study aims to introduce an enhanced trunk marker set into clinics and to assess its validity for the static measurement of spinal deformations using biplanar radiography as well as its applicability for the quantification of spinal motion during gait in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and in healthy adolescents. Further, dynamic measurements will be conducted prior and immediately after orthotic lower extremity treatments in patients with leg length discrepancy and cerebral palsy in order to evaluate its effects. All measurements will be carried out at the University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB).

Clinical trial registration numbers: NCT01803256 / NCT01803243

Enlarged view: Marker Model
Marker Model


No database information available

Project relevant publications:

Schmid S, Lorenzetti S, Hasler C-C, Romkes J, Taylor WR, Brunner R. Radiographic Evaluation of an Enhanced Trunk Marker Set in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Proceedings of the 1st Clinical Movement Analysis World Conference (ESMAC-SIAMOC) in Rome, Italy.

Schmid S, Bruhin B, Romkes J, Hasler C-C, Brunner R, Lorenzetti S. Evaluation of an Enhanced Marker Set for the Measurement of Trunk Kinematics in Adolescents. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement (3D AHM) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Schmid S, Schweizer K, Romkes J, Lorenzetti S, Brunner R. Secondary Gait Deviations in Patients with and without Neurological Involvement: A Systematic Review. Gait Posture. 2013;37(4):480-493. E-Citations