Before REFRAME implementation, three different joint axes approaches (CA - Cylinder axis in red; FFA - Functional flexion axis in yellow; TEA - Transepicondylar axis in green) lead to differing kinematic signals for what is in fact the same underlying motion pattern (left). After REFRAME, not only are local segment reference frames consistent, kinematic signals converge for all three data sets (right).


Kinematic analysis involves calculating signals from optical or inertial datapoints to represent the relative movement of joint segments. The exact choice of local segment frame orientation and position in a bone segment has been shown to drastically influence the shape and magnitude of the associated kinematic signals, making the consistent interpretation of the underlying joint motion a challenge. Despite ISB recommendations aiming to standardise the reporting of these signals, a lack of consensus around joint coordinate frame definitions remains. An approach capable of accommodating different analytical methods and ultimately reconciling these differences in frame alignment, while ensuring consistent interpretations, is therefore crucial.
Here, we present REFRAME (REference FRame Alignment MEthod), an approach to minimise cross-talk between axes of a movement, and thereby provide kinematic patterns that can be reliably compared without requiring direct knowledge of the relative poses of the different segment frames. In this manner, REFRAME can enable the consistent interpretation and comparison of joint kinematics derived using different approaches.


Ortigas Vásquez A, Taylor WR, Maas A, Woiczinski M, Grupp TM, Sauer A. A frame orientation optimisation method for consistent interpretation of kinematic signals. Sci Rep. 2023 Jun 14;13(1):9632. external page doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-36625-z.

Ortigas Vásquez A, Maas A, List R, Schütz P, Taylor WR, Grupp TM. A Framework for Analytical Validation of Inertial-Sensor-Based Knee Kinematics Using a Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Joint Simulator. Sensors (Basel). 2022 Dec 29;23(1):348. external page doi: 10.3390/s23010348.

Postolka B, Taylor WR, Dätwyler K, Heller MO, List R, Schütz P. Interpretation of natural tibio-femoral kinematics critically depends upon the kinematic analysis approach: A survey and comparison of methodologies. J Biomech. 2022 Nov;144:111306. external page doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2022.111306.

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