KTI Künzli

Enlarged view: KTI Künzli
KTI Künzli


The purpose of this study was to compare different stability boots using the fast testing method (FTM) and with subjects.

The stability boots were mounted on the custom built FTM. The lacing pressure was controlled using balloon pressure sensors mounted on the instep and dorsal shank of the test foot. Bodyweight was simulated by applying a vertical force using a pneumatic actuator. Plantar flexion, dorsal extension, inversion and eversion in the ankle were performed.

Enlarged view: Measuring Setup
Measuring Setup


PD Dr. Silvio Lorenzetti
Privatdozent/in at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • sl@ethz.ch
  • vCard Download

Abteilung MPS
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur