CAMS-Knee Project

Comprehensive Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System

Knowledge of the internal joint loading and movement following total knee replacement is necessary in order to understand implant stability, wear mechanisms, and loading of the surrounding soft tissue structures. In order to achieve a deeper understanding of knee joint biomechanics, the CAMS-Knee project provides synchronous data of the following measures:

  • TKR loading (instrumented implants, three forces and three moments)
  • TKR kinematics (moving fluoroscope, 3D reconstruction of tibio-femoral implant kinematics)
  • Whole body kinematics (marker-based movement analysis)
  • Ground reaction forces (force plate data)
  • EMG (lower limb, 16 channel)
  • Video (patient movement)
  • Multiple subjects, multiple activities, multiple repetitions

Specifically, the data was collected by combining two unique technologies:

  • Use of the moving fluoroscope from the Institute for Biomechanics, ETH Zürich, allows dynamic tracking and imaging of the skeletal structures of the knee joint during a variety of activities of daily living, including normal walking, stair descent and ramp descent.
  • Subjects from the Julius Wolff Institute, Berlin, each possess an instrumented knee prosthesis, which is able to telemetrically transfer internal joint contact forces that occur across the knee.
  • The unique cohort of 6 subjects from the Julius Wolff Institute, Berlin, underwent comprehensive kinematic and kinetic testing at the Institute for Movement Biomechanics, ETH Zürich.

An example trial of level walking from a single subject can be downloaded without license agreement:

external page

Standardized tibio-femoral implant loads and kinematics

To provide a single representative scenario based on the CAMS-knee datasets, the reference subject “Stan” was created. Stan exhibits a representative set of loading and kinematic conditions derived from the multiple trials, activities, and subjects of the full datasets. Stan’s data is uniquely suitable as validation of both kinetics and kinematics for models and laboratory tests of the implanted knee, for wear testing, and related research questions.

Stan’s data is available upon request at external page


Taylor W.R., Schütz P., Bergmann G., List R., Postolka B., Hitz M., Dymke J., Damm P., Duda G.N., Gerber H., Schwachmeyer V., Hamed Hosseini Nasab S., Trepczynski A., Kutzner I.
A Comprehensive Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System: The CAMS-Knee Data Set
Journal of Biomechanics 2017; external page

Michael J. Dreyer and Adam Trepczynski, Seyyed Hamed Hosseini Nasab, Ines Kutzner, Pascal Schütz, Bernhard Weisse, Jörn Dymke, Barbara Postolka, Philippe Moewis, Georg Bergmann, Georg N. Duda, William R. Taylor, Philipp Damm and Colin R. Smith; European Society of Biomechanics S.M. Perren Award 2022: Standardized tibio-femoral implant loads and kinematics; Journal of Biomechanics 2022; external page