Swim Start Performance

The starting technique in swimming plays an essential role for the outcome of a race. We are comparing different start techniques, grab start and track start, in terms of the performance (velocity and time at 7.5m).

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Swim Start Performance


The starting technique in swimming plays an essential role for the outcome of a competitive race. In recent time two techniques have developed as the fastest ways. These are the grab start where both feed stand next to each other on the block and the track start where the feed stand in a step like position comparable with the start in running sprint starts. Both techniques are still used on high level competitive swimming and the question raises which technique results in the best swimmer's performance. Furthermore, new regulations in international swimming have led to a new starting block design.

This implies that especially the additional starting support for the rear foot in track start could lead to a definitive advantage for one of the techniques. The aim of this thesis is to compare the grab start to the track start with and without the support for the rear foot. The swimmer's performance during the start is evaluated on basis of a 7,5m distance time and velocity which is determined to be essential for the starting performance on the block. Different kinematic parameters will be found as they can give a better insight into the dependency of the performance on the technique. The measured kinematic parameters comprise the jump off angle and the entrance angle into the water and the flight distance.

Starts are recorded with the help of a system of four video cameras. They are positioned sagittal of the swimmers, one above and two under water, and as well posterior of the swimmer. As high level swimmers have developed a preference for one technique, an even number for both will be chosen and both groups are asked to perform both starts. Finally, all results are statistically analyzed and possible influences and dependencies are reviewed.


The goal of this study is to analyze the three different starting situations. Possible changes on account of the new block design are sought to be found. The track start and the grab start technique will be performed on the new block design without the kick plate and they will be compared to the grab starts on the same block with a kick plate.


PD Dr. Silvio Lorenzetti
Privatdozent/in at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • sl@ethz.ch
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