News & Events
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Pioneer fellowship to Dr. Reto Togni and Stefan Villiger
We are delighted to announce that Dr Reto Togni and Stefan Villiger have been awarded a Pioneer fellowship for the development of their “Steering-by-Leaning” wheelchair design. The award comes with 150kCHF in funding and should support their work towards commercialisation of this excellent design. You can read the details here:
Workshop on “Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability”
The Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics (LMB - ETH Zurich) together with the Center for Research in Human Movement Variability (MOVCENTR - UNO Omaha) is organizing a 4-day workshop from July 3 – 6 2023, converging experts in the field for deeper discussions and future international level efforts and collaboration for development and validation of biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability.
CAMS-Knee datasets updated
We are delighted to announce the release of the award winning "Stan" datasets at These standardised data represent state-of-the-art knowledge on human knee kinematics and kinetics, including Vicon optical marker measurements, and force plate data measuring the ground reaction forces. The data are freely available for research, so download them here and give them a spin!
An investigation of implant wear mechanisms
We are delighted to announce a new paper published on wear mechanisms of polyethylene (PE) for joint implants. We found that PE wear behavior is influenced by cross-shear and contact pressure. We then derived an empirical relationship for this, which we and other researchers can apply for numerical simulations of implant wear. We also propose a mechanism how and why certain characteristic surface features occur.
Tracking Dual Plane Fluoroscope
We are excited to announce that after five years work and development, our tracking dual-plane fluoroscope was at last unveiled to the public!